Single sign-on (SSO)
  • 10 Jul 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Single sign-on (SSO)

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Article summary

Microsoft Entra ID

  1. Communicate your tenant ID to
  2. We will configure your tenant in Campos accordingly and communicate back the admin consent link, in the form of:{your tenant ID}/adminconsent?client_id={Campos client ID}
    For more information, see
  3. After granting tenant-wide admin consent (permissions profile and User.Read and claims email, given_name und family_name are requested), the SSO configuration is finished.

OpenID Connect

Contact to schedule a short Microsoft Teams meeting to setup SSO.
The following claims are required:

  • sub
  • email
  • given_name
  • family_name

It is recommended to use a stable ID for the sub claim that never changes (like a GUID) and avoid unstable attributes like email address (may change on marriage).


  1. Communicate the entityID (authority-URL) to
  2. We will add your identity provider and give you the URL for the SAML metadata XML. It will look like{your auth scheme }
  3. Import the metadata XML
  4. Typical claim rules:
  • User-Principal-Name -> email
  • Given-Name -> given_name
  • Surname -> family_name
  • ObjectGUID -> Name ID

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